The Proper Way platform is created to allow clients to register LLCs or C Corporations in Florida.
Once a legal entity type is selected, the simple application need to be submitted to provide all necessary details about business incorporated. After that the process of state and federal agencies registration is started. Then the platform will walk through the steps to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN)/tax I.D, all legal documents and bank account.
Finally, the Company will prepare the necessary package of documents for new entrepreneurs. These documents will provide clear information required to comply with state legislation, including information about the owners of the business and its activities.
Experienced U.S. tax law specialists and commercial lawyers will provide services both on
The Company will also assist in different areas, such as
The company provide the option to request a trendy and modern website of varying complexity through the multi-service platform. This option is available for both organizations and individuals and is designed to support those clients looking to develop a professional business identity. The website promotion and web design service includes obtaining a domain name, hosting, and site maintenance. This service package will also include internet and social media marketing assistance provided by the Company’s in-house team.